Tritech completed the construction of a 2 MLD (1730 cubic meter) reservoir and associated pump house and chlorination system as part of a water system upgrade for the City of White Rock. Project valued at $3.6 Million.
Challenges / Value Added
The City of White Rock placed great importance on preserving large fir trees at the proposed Oxford reservoir and pumphouse site. To overcome this challenge, Tritech developed an innovative alternative to the original design. This involved rotating the reservoir and decreasing the size of the pumphouse by using higher efficiency, dry pit mounted centrifugal end suction pumps.
Tritech completed the process design drawings for these changes for the client that were ultimately incorporated into Stantec’s design package. This alternative design saved the client over $100,000 out of which Tritech was able to complete various items that had been deleted due to budget constraints including monorails for pump removal and local disconnect switches.
Budget and Schedule
The project was delivered on schedule. Although Tritech’s alternative design offered cost savings, change orders for other items (monorail) resulted in a minor increase in budget overall.