Design Build
In the design build model, Tritech signs a single contract for the design and construction of a project. In this system, clients have the advantage of dealing with one contractor and having a single point of contact and accountability for the duration of a project. This allows for a more creative, efficient, and innovative approach to the project that ultimately saves the client time and money.
Tritech is a strong advocate of the design-build process. When combined with high levels of technical and management experience, design-build virtually eliminates conflicts between the owner, engineer, and builder.
Tritech’s long standing experience and expertise in water and wastewater infrastructure has enabled us to provide a variety of cost saving innovations, schedule improvements, and quality enhancements to projects through this method. The ability to improve project schedules and sequence work more efficiently with the design team are some of the key reasons for choosing a design-build procurement model.
The following are variations of the design build model that Tritech uses in delivering projects:
A progressive design build model of procurement places greater responsibility on the design build team to develop both high level and detailed design requirements for the project. Basic requirements for the water or wastewater system would be defined by the client, while primary equipment selection, space planning, layouts and detailed design would be completed by the design builder.
Using performance design build model, the client or their representative establishes minimum performance standards for equipment and facilities and completes the conceptual facility design work. After a proposal process, the client would select a design build team to design and build the facilities for a guaranteed maximum price. Equipment and material selection, along with detailed facility design are the responsibility of the design build team.
Under a design build operate (DBO) procurement model, the client would select a team comprised of an operator, engineering consultant and general contractor to design, build, operate and maintain their water or wastewater facilities over a long term period. The DBO model of procurement is commonly understood as a Public-Private Partnership (P3).
Similar to the DBO model, the design build finance operate (DBFO) model is an arrangement between a public sector body and a private sector body which results in the private sector providing infrastructure and/or services traditionally delivered by the public sector. A key element of a DBFO is that there is a transfer of some risk from the public to the private sector partner.