Lulu Island Wastewater Treatment Plant Pilot Digestion Optimization Facility


Metro Vancouver

Project Completion

Feb 2023

Project Description

As Prime Contractor for this project, Tritech is responsible for the supply, fabrication, installation, testing and commissioning of an anaerobic digester pilot facility. It consists of four skids containing tanks, pumps, heating equipment, piping, instrumentations, controls, panels, and all ancillaries. Project is located at the Lulu Island Wastewater Treatment Plant in Richmond, British Columbia and valued at $5 million.

Construction consists of the following:

  • Three new Digester Pilot Plant skids including digester tanks, standpipes, mixers, recirculation pumps, digested sludge (DS) transfer pumps, heat exchangers, hot water pumps, piping and valves, heat trace, insulation, variable frequency drives, power and control panels, instrumentation, wiring, and all ancillaries.
  • One new Digester Pilot Plant feed skid including mixed sludge (MS) storage tank, mixing pump, digester feed pumps, piping and valves, heat trace, insulation, variable frequency drives, power and control panels, instrumentation, wiring, and all ancillaries.
  • One new activated carbon odour control vessel and all ancillaries.
  • One new Digester Pilot Plant Mixed Sludge Storage Tank Feed Pump including motor, instrumentation, cabling, cable management, HOA control, and all ancillaries.
  • One new Digester Pilot Plant HRS Main Loop Pump including motor, instrumentation, cabling, cable management, HOA control, and all ancillaries.
  • Equipment pads for all pumps that connect into existing floor slabs.
  • New Mixed Sludge (MS) piping connections to/from existing piping and equipment to the Digester Pilot Plant Mixed Sludge Storage Tank Feed Pump and from the pump to the Digester Pilot Plant Mixed Sludge Storage Tanks at the pilot feed skid.
  • New Heat Reservoir Supply (HRS) and Heat Reservoir Return (HRR) piping to/from the exiting HRS/HRR heat loop to the new pumps and heat exchangers on the digester pilot skids.
  • New Low Pressure Sludge Gas (LSG) piping.
  • New IA piping connecting to the existing IA system.
  • Modifications to existing electrical rooms.
  • All associated general, demolition, structural, mechanical, process and instrumentation, and electrical Work.
  • Other related work and/or matters including, but not limited to, pedestrian and traffic control, noise and dust control.
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