Iona Island Wastewater Treatment Plant – Grit Tower Replacement


Metro Vancouver

Project Completion

June 2012

Project Description

This project involved the construction of a new concrete grit tower for the Iona Island wastewater treatment plant in Richmond, B.C. Tritech used its expertise as a water infrastructure specialist to complete the structural, electrical and mechanical aspects of the job.

Tritech’s scope of work for this project included:

  • The construction of a new concrete grit tower structure complete with stais, lighting, handrails, stainless steel lined hopper, and pneumatic slide gate with controls.
  • Reinstallation of owner-supplied grit classifiers to the new tower, complete with supply and discharge piping, supports and controls.
  • Ensuring the existing grit classification and disposal arrangement remained functional until the new arrangement was ready– including access to the temporary grit bin pad for bin removal and replacement.

  • This project required Tritech to work closely and collaboratively with the owner’s operating team as the progressive re-location, tie-in, and store-up of the existing classifiers in their new position needed detailed planning and coordination. The sloping and congested reinforcement of the tower structure provided an additional challenge. Careful selection of concrete mix design and placement techniques was required to achieve the specified Class 1 concrete finish.

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