Harbour and Kent Pump Stations Gensets


Metro Vancouver

Project Completion

Jun 2020

Project Description

Tritech is a Prime Contractor for the Construction, Installation, and Commissioning of two (2) Owner Pre-purchased Standby Diesel Generators each in a walk-in custom manufactured enclosure complete with sub-base diesel fuel tank at the Harbour and Kent Pump Stations.

Tritech’s scope of work for this project included:

Harbour Pump Station (combined sanitary & storm WW PS)

  • Site preparation, excavation and backfill for concrete foundation, conduit trenching and retaining wall, concrete base forming and concrete pouring
  • Supply and install concrete foundation for genset enclosure, fuel pumps kiosk, fuel dispenser kiosk and fuel tank kiosk
  • Install owner pre-purchased 1000kW, 600V standby diesel generator complete with sub-base diesel fuel tank and custom enclosure.
  • Install genset & enclosure – genset connections to fuel system and PS power and control systems and testing and commissioning
  • Supply & install fuel system including above-ground 8620 L double-walled diesel fuel tank, two (2) kiosks for fuel transfer pumps and fuel dispenser c/w associated electrical instrumentation.
  • Design, supply & install cable trays/supports, from ceiling, for overhead cabling in PS pump room and electrical room

  • Kent Pump Station

  • Pre-purchased 300kW, 600V standby diesel generator with sub-base diesel fuel tank in a walk-in custom manufactured enclosure
  • Supply and install concrete foundation for walk-in enclosure including installation of electrical conduits within foundation
  • Fabricate and install structural steel access stairs to genset, cable tray sections and supports for overhead cabling in PS and Electrical Rooms
  • Tree management: coordinate removal, protection, pruning and planting with project Arborist

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