Tritech was the design-builder responsible for the design, construction, and commissioning of this Project.
Tritech’s scope of work for this project included:
Emergency Repair Works to Primary Clarifiers:
During the upgrade works, a trough collapsed in Primary Tank #1 requiring an emergency repair (unrelated to Tritech’s work). The City retained Tritech to complete emergency repairs as follows:
Phase 1 The Isolation Process:
Prior to completing the proposed repair work, Tritech was required to obtain WCB approval for their method of isolating the discharge channel with an engineered bulkhead gate and sandbags.
Phase 1 work included the following:
Phase 2 The Concrete Repair:
Phase 2 included the concrete repair, fabrication, and installation of the channels and troughs in primary tanks #1, #2 and #3. To complete the proposed repair work, Tritech executed the WCB approved method as submitted on Phase 1.