Water For People Fundraiser – July 28

Water For People is a non profit organization that has been able to provide clean drinking water and sanitation for 4 million people in 9 countries. Tritech is a proud sponsor of the organization and has been supporting the cause for years.

The Water For People Canada, BC Committee is holding their 11th annual golf tournament fundraiser on July 28th, celebrating Water for People’s 25th anniversary out on the beautiful Surrey Golf Course.

Tritech is proud to be returning as a sponsor this year and we are looking forward to seeing you out on the course! We feel its important to give back to the greater community and help those who do not have their basic needs of access to clean water.

To register as a sponsor online, follow this link: http://www.civicinfo.bc.ca/event/2016/wfpcanadagolfsponsor.asp

Hope to see you on July 28!

-Post by Alicia Gill

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